Friday, November 20, 2009


Roll No. ................ DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (CS - 502)
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100'
Ql) (a) Explain in detail the components of a image processing system with the
help of a block diagram.
(b) Definethe terms convolution and correlationand discuss their significance
in the context of digital image processing.
Q2) (a) What do you mean-by interactive restoration? Discuss in detail the
mathematical foundations used in interactive restoration approach.
(b) Explain in detail tlie various spatial filtering approaches for image
Q3) What is noise? How does it effects the efficiency of a image segmentation
algorithm.Name various types of techniques used for filtering noise in images.
And explain in detail the homomorphic filtering approach.
Q4) What is color image processing. Explain in detail the concepts underlying full
color image processing.
Q5) Define the term image coding and its need? Name various image coding
techniques and compare and contrast the transform coding from predictive
coding technique.
Q6) (a) What are the types of redundancies available in an image? Discuss W1th .
suitable examples.
(b) What is thresholding. Describe in brief the variQusthresholding methods
fOJ;b;J1agesegmentation. Also discuss the method to obtain the optimum
Q7) (a) What is wavelet? How it is useful fn image processing. Discuss in detail
the wavelet transformation method with the help of block diagram.
(b) Sketch and explain the gradient of the image shown below.
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Q8) (a) What is the use of image description and representation methods? Explain
with the help of an example the run length and tree approaches for region
(b) Define the terms pattern recognition~ pattern classifiers and discuss in
detail the differences between parametric and non-parametric classifiers.

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