Friday, November 20, 2009


Roll No. ......................
Total No. of Questions: 08] [Total No. of Pages: 01
Paper ID : [E0684]
[Note: Please fill subject code and paper ID on OMR]
Time: 03 Hours.
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks. .
Maximum Marks: 100
Q1) What is a Distributed System? Discuss the architecture of a distributed system.
Q2) What is a deadlock? How are deadlocks managed in a Distributed System? {
Q3) What is distributed object computing? Discuss atleast 4 protocols that support
distributed object communication.
Q4) What is a distributed transaction? Discuss the protocols used to manage
distributed transactions.
Q5) Discuss the architecture of Tiger Video File Server.
Q6) What is a domain name system? How it works? Ho\y is the security issue'
Q7) What is concurrency control? How is it ensured in a distributed environment?
Q8) Why processes need to communicate? How Unix operating system supports
interprocess communication?
M-1747 [1859]


RollNo. .........................
Total No. of Questions: 08] [Total No. of Pages: 02
Paper ill [CS504]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
M.Tech. (Sem. - 1st)
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions. ~ .
2) All questions carry equal marks.

QI) What is the objective of distributed system? Explain in detail the ~istributed
system model.
Q2) (a) Specify the pos~ible threats and in distributed systems.
(b) Describe the features of distributed systems.
Q3) (a) What is RPC? How it is implemented in distributed systems?
(b) BrieflydescribeAPI for intemetprotocol and client server communication.
Q4) Explain in detail the file service architecture with special reference to UNIX.
Q5) (a) How parallel transac.tions are controlled in distributed systems?
'(b) Elucidate the concept of directory and discovery services.
Q6) (a) How the distributed systems play role in multimedia services?
(b) Explain memory management in distributed systems.
Q7) (a) Write in detail about inter object communication model ofCORBA.
(b) What strategies can be deployed for resource management in distributed

Q8) Write about:
(a) Marshalling
(b) FIP
-(c) Network efficiency for distributed systems
(d) Network file syst~m


Roll No. ...................... Total No. of Questions: 08] [Total No. of Pages: 02
PaperID [CS504] (please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instruction to Candidat~s:
Attempt any Five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
Ql) a) In a certain workstation-based system, the workstations have local disks
, that hold the system binaries. When a new binary is released, it is sent to
each workstations. However, some workstations may be down (or switched
off) when this happens. Devise an procedure that allows the updating to be
done automatically, even though workstations are occasionally down.
b) The terms loosely-coupled system and tightly-coupled system are often
used to describe distributed computer systems. What is the different between
Q2) a) When a Private workspace is used to implement transactions, it may happen
that a large number of file indices 'must be copied back to the parent's
workspace. How can this be done without introducing race conditions?
b) What is a kernel in distributed operating system. Explain with example of
an OS. .
Q3) a) What are the feature of CORBA. Discuss
b) Why do stateless servers have to include a file offset in each request? I this
also needed for stateful servers?
Q4) a) What is the difference between a file service using the upload/download
model and one using the remote access model.
b) A file system allows links from one directly to another. In this way, a
directory can "include" a subdirectory. In this context, what is the essential
criterion that distinguishes a tree-structured directory system from a general
graph-structured system?
Q5) a) Name two useful properties that immutable files have.
b) Why do some distributed systems use two-level naming?
Q6) a) How resource management is done in a distributed multimedia system.
. Explain
b) How memory management is done is a distributed system. -Explain with the
help of an Example. -
Q7) What is a deadlock in distributed systems. How it can be prevented.
Q8) Write short notes on
a) Client server Communication
b) Distributed transactions


Roll No. ................ DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (CS - 502)
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100'
Ql) (a) Explain in detail the components of a image processing system with the
help of a block diagram.
(b) Definethe terms convolution and correlationand discuss their significance
in the context of digital image processing.
Q2) (a) What do you mean-by interactive restoration? Discuss in detail the
mathematical foundations used in interactive restoration approach.
(b) Explain in detail tlie various spatial filtering approaches for image
Q3) What is noise? How does it effects the efficiency of a image segmentation
algorithm.Name various types of techniques used for filtering noise in images.
And explain in detail the homomorphic filtering approach.
Q4) What is color image processing. Explain in detail the concepts underlying full
color image processing.
Q5) Define the term image coding and its need? Name various image coding
techniques and compare and contrast the transform coding from predictive
coding technique.
Q6) (a) What are the types of redundancies available in an image? Discuss W1th .
suitable examples.
(b) What is thresholding. Describe in brief the variQusthresholding methods
fOJ;b;J1agesegmentation. Also discuss the method to obtain the optimum
Q7) (a) What is wavelet? How it is useful fn image processing. Discuss in detail
the wavelet transformation method with the help of block diagram.
(b) Sketch and explain the gradient of the image shown below.
[ I
Q8) (a) What is the use of image description and representation methods? Explain
with the help of an example the run length and tree approaches for region
(b) Define the terms pattern recognition~ pattern classifiers and discuss in
detail the differences between parametric and non-parametric classifiers.

DIP [cs-502] DEC-2007

Paper ID [CS502](Please fill this Paper lOin OMR Sheet)
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1). Attempt any Five questions. . .
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100
QI) Explain in detail the two processes that are used to convert the continuous
sensed data into digital form.
Q2) (a) Why image filtering is done in the frequency domain?
(b) What is spatial filtering? Why are smoothing spatial filters used?
Q3) (a) Explain the effect of noise on color channels?
(b) List the advantages and disadvantages of RGB color modeL
Q4) What "arewavelet functions? Derive wavelet transforms in one dimension.
Q5) What is the need of error free compression? List the various coding
techniques to achieve this. .
Q6) List the techniques for detecting gray level discontinuities in digital image.
Q7) ~xplain the various Decision theoretic approaches to recognition.
Q8) Write short notes on:
(a) Image sensing
(b) Region growing
(c) Adaptive filters

Thursday, November 19, 2009

DIP[cs-502] June-2009

Roll No. ....................... Total No. of Questions : 08] [Total No. of Pages : 01]
Paper ID : [E0682]
. [Note: Please fill subject code and paper ID on OMRJ
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100
Ql) Discuss the techniques available for image processing?
Q2) .What is an image compression system model? Draw the block diagram and
explain functions of its components?
Q3) What is image degradation /restoration model? How is different type of noise
Q4) How the color helps in better image analysis? Discuss various color models
to specjfy a color in a standard way? .
Q5) Why is image segmentation done? Discuss the techniques us_ed in image
Q6) What are wavelets? Discuss wavelets transformations in I-dimension? How
can they be used for image compression?
Q7) What is object recognition? Discuss object recognition by structural mapping?
Q8) What are the diffurent levels of image processing? At which stage properties
of the objects of an image can be talked about? What are the techniques to get
these properties? Discuss any two techniques?


Paper ID [CS-509](Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All qustions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100
Ql) (a) Explain the relationship between binding time and language
implementation? .
(b) Differentiate between type checking and type conversion with the help
of suitable examples. .
Q2) (a) What do you understand by exception handling? Explain.
(b) What are variable size data structures? Explain.
Q3) . (a) What are generic subprograms? Explain with suitable example.
(b) What are generic abstract data types? Explain.
Q4) (a) What is jmplicit and explicit sequence control? Explain the
disadvantages of statement labels and goto's.
(b) What are recursive subprograms and how they are implemented?
Explain. .
Q5) (a) What are associations and referencing environments? Explain:
(b) What CIoyou' understand by heap storage management? Explain.
Q6) . (a) List and explain different stages in translation.
(b) What is implicit synchronization? Explain.
Q7) What are storage classes? Explain with examples each storage class.
Q8) Write a short note on any two of the followings:
(a) Static and dynamic scope,
(b) Run Time Errors
(c) Software simulator