Thursday, November 19, 2009

DIP[cs-502] June-2009

Roll No. ....................... Total No. of Questions : 08] [Total No. of Pages : 01]
Paper ID : [E0682]
. [Note: Please fill subject code and paper ID on OMRJ
Time: 03 Hours
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Marks: 100
Ql) Discuss the techniques available for image processing?
Q2) .What is an image compression system model? Draw the block diagram and
explain functions of its components?
Q3) What is image degradation /restoration model? How is different type of noise
Q4) How the color helps in better image analysis? Discuss various color models
to specjfy a color in a standard way? .
Q5) Why is image segmentation done? Discuss the techniques us_ed in image
Q6) What are wavelets? Discuss wavelets transformations in I-dimension? How
can they be used for image compression?
Q7) What is object recognition? Discuss object recognition by structural mapping?
Q8) What are the diffurent levels of image processing? At which stage properties
of the objects of an image can be talked about? What are the techniques to get
these properties? Discuss any two techniques?

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