Friday, November 20, 2009


RollNo. .........................
Total No. of Questions: 08] [Total No. of Pages: 02
Paper ill [CS504]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
M.Tech. (Sem. - 1st)
Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions. ~ .
2) All questions carry equal marks.

QI) What is the objective of distributed system? Explain in detail the ~istributed
system model.
Q2) (a) Specify the pos~ible threats and in distributed systems.
(b) Describe the features of distributed systems.
Q3) (a) What is RPC? How it is implemented in distributed systems?
(b) BrieflydescribeAPI for intemetprotocol and client server communication.
Q4) Explain in detail the file service architecture with special reference to UNIX.
Q5) (a) How parallel transac.tions are controlled in distributed systems?
'(b) Elucidate the concept of directory and discovery services.
Q6) (a) How the distributed systems play role in multimedia services?
(b) Explain memory management in distributed systems.
Q7) (a) Write in detail about inter object communication model ofCORBA.
(b) What strategies can be deployed for resource management in distributed

Q8) Write about:
(a) Marshalling
(b) FIP
-(c) Network efficiency for distributed systems
(d) Network file syst~m

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